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Friday, August 10, 2012

It All Starts With One Step....

....or in this case, one bite.

I've always struggled with my weight. I remember being a small child and feeling like I was fat. As I got older, the weight added up. All through high school I never weighed more than 175lbs. I don't know if that was because of my teenage metabolism, how active I was or the hard drugs I was doing (seriously...don't do drugs). Regardless, I never gained weight. Shortly after high school I met the man who would become my husband. We had totally different eating habits and I found myself adapting what I ate to be more consistent with what he ate. Next thing I knew, I was over 200lbs. Fast forward 8 years and I'm currently 277lbs. At 5'7", I don't look like I should weight that much but I do. That's where this comes in. I started Weight Watchers (WW) about 2 months ago and I've had some great success. I've lost almost 10lbs and I plan on dropping a lot more.

This blog sprang forth from Cas and I texting (like we always do) and the idea came around to start this food journal. On here we will log every meal eaten along with pictures and information on ingredients, serving sizes and even total WW points. If this thing takes off and becomes fairly popular then we'll entertain the idea of posting YouTube videos twice a week. We'll also share any ideas or tips we have on weight loss and just personal thoughts for the day. I know, personally, I'll eventually include a before, during and (hopefully) after pictures. I want to share my journey from fat to fit with the world. gentle.



Corletta said...

Hi Girls!!
I, too, have eating issues. I can't wait to read your blog and to see your progress. I have decided that I need to start blogging again!! It's been far to long. I need to be honest with myself and my readers. So...follow me as I follow the two of you!! Good luck!

Kburch2 said...

All I can say is wow! I like this idea yall have and Im goin to follow yall along the way. I find it very interesting an I know Alicia will be blunt and truthful as always. Love ya sis!! I believe u can do it!!

2 Fat Girls said...

Thanks Kayla! If you want to keep up with the posts, there is a follow button that should be located to the right of the blog. Just click it and you can easily keep track of what we're up too! Also, you know I'll be totally honest with myself and with my words.

I love you too, sis!


Hannah West said...

I'm starting the same process, Boo.. I'll be right here with you every step of the way!

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